激光安全等级分类(IEC 60825-1:2014)

IEC 60825-1:2014 Safety of laser products - Part 1: Equipment classification and requirements
IEC 60825-1:2014 激光产品的安全性 - 第1部分:设备分类和要求
GB 7247.1-2012 激光产品的安全 第1部分:设备分类、要求
JIS C6802:2014 レーザ製品の安全基準
JIS C6802:2014 激光产品安全标准

Class 1 laser product
any laser product which during operation does not permit human access to laser radiation (accessible emission, see 3.2) in excess of the AEL of Class 1 for applicable
wavelengths and emission durations (see 5.3 and 4.3 e)

在工作期间,在相应波长和发射持续时间内,人员接触的激光辐射(见3.2)不允许超过1类可达发射限值(AEL)的激光产品(见5.3和4.3 e)。

Class 1C laser product
any laser product which is designed explicitly for contact application to the skin or non-ocular tissue and that:
-during operation ocular hazard is prevented by engineering means , i.e. the accessible emission is stopped or reduced to below the AEL of Class 1 when the laser/applicator is removed from contact with the skin or non-ocular tissue,
-during operation and when in contact with skin or non-ocular tissue, irradiance or radiant exposure levels may exceed the skin MPE as necessary for intended treatment procedure, and
-the laser product complies with applicable vertical standards


Class 1M laser product
any laser product in the wavelength range from 302,5 nm to 4 000 nm which during operation does not permit human access to laser radiation (accessible emission, see 3.2) in
excess of the AEL of Class 1 for applicable wavelengths and emission durations (see 4.3 e)), where the level of radiation is measured according to 5.3 a)

在302.5 nm-4 000 nm波长范围内,工作期间,在相应波长和发射持续时间内,人员接触可达激光辐射(见3.2)不允许超过 1 类可达发射限值 (AEL)的激光产品(见 4.3 e)(其中辐射水平依据 5.3 a 测量)。

Class 2 laser product
any laser product in the wavelength range from 400 nm to 700 nm which during operation does not permit human access to laser radiation (accessible emission, see 3.2) in excess of the AEL of Class 2 for applicable wavelengths and emission durations(see 5.3 c)

在400 nm-700 nm波长范围内,工作期间,在相应波长和发射持续时间内,人员接触可达激光辐射(见3.2)不允许超过2类可达发射限值(AEL)的激光产品(见5.3 c)。

Class 2M laser product
any laser product in the wavelength range from 400 nm to 700 nm which during operation does not permit human access to laser radiation (accessible emission, see 3.2) in excess of the AEL of Class 2 for applicable wavelengths and emission durations(see 4.3 e)), where the level of radiation is measured according to 5.3c)

在400 nm-700 nm波长范围内,工作期间,在相应波长和发射持续时间内,人员接触可达激光辐射(见3.2)不允许超过2类可达发射限值(AEL)的激光产品(其中辐射水平依据 5.3 c测量)。

Class 3R and Class 3B laser products
any laser product which during operation permits human access to laser radiation (accessible emission, see 3.2) in excess of the AEL of Class 1 and Class 2, as applicable, but which does not permit human access to laser radiation in excess of the AEL of Classes 3R and 3B (respectively) for any emission duration and wavelength (see 5.3 d) and 5.3 e))

在工作期间,人员接触可达激光辐射(见3.2)允许超过1类和2类可达发射限值(AEL),但在任何发射持续时间和波长,人员接触可达激光辐射不允许超过3R类和3B类各类可达发射限值(AEL)的激光产品(见5.3 d和5.3e)。

Class 4 laser product
any laser product which permits human access to laser radiation (accessible emission, see 3.2) in excess of the AEL of Class 3B(see 4.3 f))

人员接触可达激光辐射(见3.2)允许超过3B类可达发射限值(AEL)的激光产品(见4.3 f)。

FDA(CDRH) CFR 1040.10/1040.11(Laser Notice 56)

Class I laser product means any laser product that does not permit access during the operation to levels of laser radiation in excess of the accessible emission limits contained in table I of paragraph (d) of this section.

Class IIa laser product means any laser product that permits human access during operation to levels of visible laser radiation in excess of the accessible emission limits contained in table I, but does not permit human access during operation to levels of laser radiation in excess of the accessible emission limits contained in table II-A of paragraph (d) of this section.

Class II laser product means any laser product that permits human access during operation to levels of visible laser radiation in excess of the accessible emission limits contained in table II-A, but does not permit human access during operation to levels of laser radiation in excess of the accessible emission limits contained in table II of paragraph (d) of this section.

Class IIIa laser product means any laser product that permits human access during operation to levels of visible laser radiation in excess of the accessible emission limits contained in table II, but does not permit human access during operation to levels of laser radiation in excess of the accessible emission limits contained in table III-A of paragraph (d) of this section.

Class IIIb laser product means any laser product that permits human access during operation to levels of laser radiation in excess of the accessible emission limits of table III-A, but does not permit human access during operation to levels of laser radiation in excess of the accessible emission limits contained in table III-B of paragraph (d) of this section.

Class III laser product means any Class IIIa or Class IIIb laser product.

Class IV laser product means any laser that permits human access during operation to levels of laser radiation in excess of the accessible emission limits contained in table III-B of paragraph (d) of this section.

激光分类   激光分类说明
I                  激光辐射不被视为危险的激光产品。
IIa               1,000 秒以下的观察不被视为危险,但超过 1,000 秒的慢性光束内观察被视为危险激光产品。
II                 慢性光束内观察被认为是危险的激光产品。
II Ia            由于辐照度的程度,慢性光束内观察和临时光束内观察都被视为危险的激光产品。
IIIb             即使很短的时间,直接暴露在皮肤和眼睛被认为是危险的激光产品。
IV                不仅直接暴露在皮肤和眼睛上,而且短暂暴露于散射光中也是危险的激光产品。

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