Calculate CIE 1931 xy Coordinates from Spectral Power Distribution (SPD)
Calculate CIE 1931 xy Coordinates from Spectral Power Distribution (SPD)
This online CIE 1931 xy calculator takes a spectral power distribution (SPD) input in either 1 nm or 2 nm resolution, and calculates the CIE 1931 xy coordinates. Click on "Input SPD" to load your SPD. Several notes on the SPD input:
- For best results, copy and paste irradiance data from a spreadsheet program or plain text editor, with line breaks between each wavelength data point.
- Wavelength range is 380 - 780 nm.
- Irradiance values are in arbitrary units. The calculator will automatically normalize all values.
SPD Input
CIE 1931 xy Result:
-Calculated CRI General (R1-R8):
-Calculated CRI Extended (R1-R15):
-CRI Individual R Values Result
- Score:
- 25
- 50
- 75
- 100
- R1
- R2
- R3
- R4
- R5
- R6
- R7
- R8
- R9
- R10
- R11
- R12
- R13
- R14
- R15
UV Hazard Calculator (IEC-62471-6:2022)
Input Irradiance Data (200-400 nm)
Actinic UV Hazard (200-400 nm): - W·m⁻²
Actinic UV Hazard (200-315 nm): - W·m⁻²
Hazard Level: -
Spectral Irradiance
Blue Light Hazard Calculator (IEC 62471-7:2023)
Input Radiance Data (300-700 nm)
Blue Light Hazard (300-700 nm): - W·m⁻²·sr⁻¹
Application Group: -